Urgent Business Logbook Loan For Macadamia & Peanut Supplier In Thika

Urgent Business Logbook Loan For Macadamia & Peanut Supplier In Thika

Nahum Njoroge, a 33-year-old entrepreneur from Thika, needed to expand his growing macadamia and peanut supply business. Faced with the urgent need to purchase additional stock and fearing the pitfalls of hidden fees and a complex loan application process, Nahum sought a quick and reliable financial solution. Kifedha Limited provided the perfect answer, offering a logbook loan that met his needs without the stress and uncertainty he feared.

Table of Contents

  • Loan Overview
  • Nahum’s Challenge: Urgent Need for Business Funds
  • The Kifedha Solution: Transparent and Supportive Financing
  • Key Benefits of Choosing Kifedha
  • About Kifedha Limited
  • Contact Us

Loan Overview

Client Name: Nahum Njoroge
Age: 33 years
Location: Thika
Occupation: Macadamia and Peanut Supplier
Vehicle Used as Security: Mitsubishi Outlander
Loan Amount: KES 350,000

Nahum’s Challenge: Urgent Need for Business Funds

As his business continued to grow, Nahum faced the challenge of needing additional funds to purchase stock quickly. He was particularly concerned about the potential for hidden fees and a lengthy, complicated loan application process that could delay his plans. Furthermore, Nahum already had an existing loan with a commercial bank and feared that applying for another loan would result in rejection due to his current financial obligations.

The Kifedha Solution: Transparent and Supportive Financing

Nahum was referred to Kifedha by a loan agent and quickly discovered that his fears were unfounded. The relationship manager at Kifedha assured him that his existing bank loan would not automatically disqualify him from securing a logbook loan, as long as he was promptly servicing it—which he was. The manager guided Nahum through each step of the application process, ensuring it was as painless as possible. Nahum appreciated the clear communication, the absence of hidden fees, and the fast disbursement of funds via Pesalink. Thanks to Kifedha's support, Nahum was able to quickly purchase the stock he needed to continue growing his business.

Key Benefits of Choosing Kifedha

Nahum’s experience with Kifedha highlighted several key benefits:

  • Clear Fees: No hidden costs or surprises during the loan process.
  • Cool-headed and Eager-to-Help Staff: The team provided calm, professional assistance throughout.
  • Painless Application Process: The entire process was smooth, straightforward, and hassle-free.

About Kifedha Limited

Since 2016, Kifedha Limited has been providing financial solutions tailored to the needs of Kenyans. Specializing in logbook loans for various needs—including working capital, medical emergencies, school fees, business expansion, and home repairs—Kifedha has become a trusted partner for many. With branches in Ongata Rongai, Kitengela, Ngara, Kiambu, and Thika, Kifedha serves clients across Nairobi, Kiambu, Machakos, and Kajiado Counties.

Contact Us

If you’re looking for a quick and reliable financial solution, contact us through our contact form, call us on +254791573231 or visit one of our branches to explore financial opportunities. We are the bridge to help you achieve your business goals with the right financial support.